Sunday, November 28, 2010

From Aunt Sue: We're back

Well, I definitely didn't do what I said I'd do and I remain steadfastly portly. So between now and Christmas, my niece and I have agreed to a smaller goal: To lose five pounds between now and then. We're both weighing in tomorrow.

I decided yesterday to take another stab at this because something has been happening that is a sure sign of out-of-control eating for me - I've been eating in my car again. On the way home from work, on the way home from visiting my family, on the way home from the grocery store. I like to listen to books on tape and eat when I'm driving. Things like chips, mainly. Beyond the concerns this may raise as to my safe driving, it's obviously a very bad habit. And it's a real sign for me that I'm out of control on this front, once again.

So a small goal for now.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Aunt Sue: About Genevieve

I lost 2.6 pounds at my first Weight Watchers weigh-in on Friday. And that was good. I was happy to have gotten off to a good start. And then I got on the road to visit Genevieve for her 16th birthday party. Her father is a great cook and the birthday dinner was pretty healthy - lobster, mussels, clams, spinach salad. Then there was the cake, of course. But you have to have cake on a birthday and we didn't eat big pieces.

I just wanted to say something about my niece, about how proud I am of the interesting person she has become. She's a colorful character who loves bright colors and animals. She's a good writer and an excellent cook. She's smart and pretty. Even if she didn't lose an ounce towards our goal of 100 pounds, she's pretty terrific just the way she is now.

And as for me, I'm on the road to becoming an old babe. A middle-aged babe if I stop wasting time.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Aunt Sue: Happy Easter!

Well, I bit the bullet and signed up for Weight Watchers on Friday. I didn't actually start the program until today because of my perverse need to bid farewell to my favorite foods. Even though I'm not actually bidding them farewell. Even though I've bid them farewell a thousand times before.

There are two WW leaders at this particular center - Fran on Fridays and Melvin on Saturdays - who I've met before and really like. They're eccentric and not in the least perky. I'll look forward to seeing them, so that's good.

I love Easter and this time of year in general. It's such a time of rebirth that it's encouraging. I told my nephew this weekend that I'm starting yet another weight-loss plan. I asked him if he's tired of hearing me talk about this. And he said that he's happy to hear that I'm not giving up.

I also bought a fancy new pair of sneakers that will enable me to walk on my sore Achilles tendon. And I planted some flowers in my front yard. So this has been a good Easter.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Aunt Sue: This would be extreme, even for me

I thought I'd been on every diet plan in the world, but check out this story in USA TODAY. Women in Asia are eating parasites to keep their weight down. And these are skinny women already!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Break: Genevieve

I've been working out with a personal trainer for about a month now and things are going very well. I see her about twice a week and then on other days that I can, I go alone or with another friend who belongs to the same gym. A funny story actually, one time during training, my trainer said that we were going to go over to some other pull up/ dip contraption to work my upper body. I have never been able to do a pull up. Also, I'm not afraid of heights like roller coasters or anything, but I guess when I'm easily able to fall or be dropped, I get very scared. So I was about to stand on the bar and then I started crying! I wasn't upset or anything, but I was scared and the thought of falling made me cry... It was so strange.
Other than that, everything has been going great with her and she's made me work really hard every time.
And now my school is on spring break for two weeks, which is wonderful.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Aunt Sue: Sorry for the long silence

I can't believe we're almost into the fourth month of the year and I'm still pondering how to lose this weight. I've really had a lot of ups and downs on this front this year, and I'm not certain how to proceed. I belong to Weight Watchers online so maybe I should go back to doing that. I'm a big fan on that BBC American Show "You Are What You Eat" but I can't see myself adhering to such strict vegetarian fare. I don't want to do Jenny Craig again because I don't think it's practical eating all prepared foods. My niece is enjoying the personal trainer. Maybe I'll try that when my tax return comes in.

But obviously what I lack is commitment and I'm not sure what it's going to take to really draw me into this fight. Just like I believe that it's important to give some thought to faith before you're on your deathbed, I also would like to make this change without being propelled by illness. Truthfully, I'm sort of at a loss right now.

It's really not rocket science - eat less, exercise more. But it might as well be rocket science. When I started work today, I got a call from someone and when I asked how he's doing, his reply was, "I'm living the dream!" That made me laugh (although I'm not sure he was kidding). But that's what I've got to find a way to do - live the dream. Not just dream.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Aunt Sue: A new week, a new page

I think that personal trainer idea is great. I also think that we're both in the place where we're really tired of being heavy. For the past week, I haven't been eating when I get home from work after 9 p.m. and I feel better. I also went to the gym twice this weekend.

Not surprisingly, I am not a vegetarian. I'm surprised anyone ever listens to me when I talk about diet. I really don't eat much meat and prefer veggie burgers to beef burgers. But I don't think I'm ready to entirely swear off meat. Looking at the recipes in the vegetarian magazines made me tired. But I did see a few that looked a little less daunting - ones that don't involve a food processor or vegetables I've never heard of.

I'm continuing to throw out my fat clothes, even though they still fit me. Even being overweight, I don't want to look that matronly anymore. So here's to a good week for us both!